
Post’s publications include articles in academic, law, and policy journals as well as editorials in the press and creation of policy and implementation manuals. She has been published by Yale and Columbia law schools, German Technical Assistance, the Kennan Institute and the Journal of Gender Studies in the United States, South Africa, Cambodia, the Netherlands, Malaysia, France, Lima, Peru, Sudan, and Russia. 


Legalization of Prostitution is a Violation of Human Rights, National Lawyers Guild Review, Vol. 28, No. 2. Summer 2011.

Taking Legal Aid to the People:  A comparison of legal aid in Russia and Cambodia, International Conference on Legal Aid, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, April 2005.

Women’s Rights in Russia: Training Non-Lawyers to Represent Victims of Domestic Violence, 4 Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal, 135, 2001.

Women, Violence and Equality: Analysis and Commentary on Russian Law, Vol. 7, No. 1 Journal of Eastern European Law 97, Columbia Law School, 2000.

Why Marriage Should be Abolished, l8 Women’s Rights Law Reporter 283, Spring, l997.

Arguments Against Joint Custody, 4 Berkeley Woman’s Law Journal 3l6, 1989-90.


Albanian Judicial Benchbook on Protection Orders, Tirana, Albania, Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 for Chemonics and OSCE, published Tirana 2008. 

Judicial Training Manual for the Royal School of Magistrates and Prosecutors, Phnom Penh, Cambodia , December 2004 for German Technical Assistance – Women’s Rights Project.

Knowledge of Law for Women, East West Management Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 2004.

Comparison of ASEAN Laws on Trafficking to the UN Protocol, East West Management Institute, prepared for the South East Asia Conference on Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes, Medan Indonesia , March 2004.

Battered Mother’s Testimony Project:  A Human Rights Approach to Domestic Violence and Child Custody, Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence, June 2003, main author.

What Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Service Providers Need to Know About Sex Trafficking, Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence, April, 2002.

Lay Legal Advocate Manual for Those Working on Violence Against Women in Arizona, Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in conjunction with the Young Lawyers Division of the Maricopa County Bar, Domestic Violence Committee, June 2001, August 2002.

Confidentiality Manual for Domestic Violence Service Providers in Arizona under State and Federal Law, Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence, April 2001, June 2001.

Introduction into the Problem of Violence Against Women
Violence Against Women:  Materials for Criminal and Civil Judges
Mechanism of State Defense of Women’s Rights
Human Rights Declaration and Legal Defense Function of Procuracy of Russian Federation
Role of Lawyers in Prevention of Violence Against Women
Discrimination Against Women:  Responsibilities of Judges Based on International Law
Methods of Helping Victims of Violence
Volunteer Manual
Teachers working with Children on Human Rights and Against Violence
Medical Workers Role in Helping Women Who Suffered From Violence
Police Manual
Stopping Discrimination Against Women
Role of Crisis Center Lawyers in Helping Women Who Suffered From Violence
Civil Protection Orders 2nd , 3rd and 4th edition
Information for Doctors:  Domestic Violence
Human Being and Society:  Conditions of Forming of Nonviolent Position
Sexual Harassment
Crimes Against Minors
Training Materials Developed in Russia, 1998-2000

Commentary on Russian Federation and United States Laws Regarding Violence Against Women, ABA CEELI (1998).

Domestic Violence Reference Manual for U.S. Marines (Arizona section), ES Incorporated  (1995).

Advocacy for Battered Women, Wisconsin and Arizona manuals (1979, 1981, 1986).


Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence:  The Role of the Prosecutor, Training Manual, Government of Kenya, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Nairobi, Kenya, June 2011, for UNODC and GIZ.

Human Trafficking: A 16 week university level course for law students including lecture notes, readings, handouts, quizzes, audio visual, tests and evaluation methods in Russian. Piloted in Vladivostok in Spring 2009. ABA ROLI (on CD only).

Sex Trafficking:  A training for consular officials:  A training manual on sex trafficking with all materials for training of consular officials who issue visas. ABA ROLI, Vladivostok, August 2007. 


The Structure of Women’s Movements, Rain and Thunder:  A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism, Issue #80, January 2023, p. 31.

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The Female Face of Mysogyny:  A Review of two books.  Dignity Journal, University of Rhode Island, December 2020.

American Women Still Need Equality; Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-discrimination Law, October 2020,

Shoot for the Root 

Rain and Thunder:  A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism,  Issue #72, Summer 2019,  p. 36

Surrogacy:  Erasing the Mother (January 2019)

Surrogacy: Erasing the Mother

Old tired Arguments to deny Fairness must be Rejected

Abuse, Custody, and Patriarchy:  A Lethal Combination for Children.

Sexual harassment not the problem, cultural shift from patriarchy needed.

Equal Rights Amendment:  Scary to the GOP but the only way to equality

Equal Rights Amendment scary to GOP, but is only way to equality

The American Dream for Women:  When will it arrive?  The 14th Amendment Equal Rights Provisions and the Equal Rights Amendment.  Reader Supported Network, June 7, 2017,

Lead Poisoning in Kosovo:  A Cautionary Tale for Flint,–by-Dianne-Post-Flint-Michigan_Health_International_Law-160223-617.html

For Profit Prisons are bad public policy. 16 October 2015.

The Amazing Saga of Joshua Glover, the Fugitive Slave Act, the Republican Party and the Civil War

The Great Orphan Abduction: Racism, Religion, States’ Rights, Arizona Attorney, February 2015, page 40.  

“From the Burqa to the Thong: Control of Women’s Bodies” 17 August 2014, 

Violence Against Women is a Hate Crime, Women’s Community Connection, February 2014, 

Prostitution and Human Rights, Cato Unbound on line journal, December 2013.

Prostitution and human trafficking: inescapably linked.   

“Women in Resistance: Seeking justice for genocide and defending our lands”. 

New Internationalist debate on prostitution, 22 March 2013. 

Kenya’s March Toward Equality for Women, Contemporary Social Sciences, Volume 21, Number 2 (April) 2012, Research Foundation International, India. 

International Human Rights, contributing author, in International Legal Developments in Review:  2010, The International Lawyer, Spring 2011, Volume 45, Number 1, ABA. 

Lives of Courage:  Women Surviving Globally, Rain and Thunder, #43, Summer 2009. 

Roma in Italy, The International Lawyer, Vol 43 No 2, p. 77, Summer 2009.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Russian Style, International Law News, ABA, Vol 38  #1, Winter 2009. 

Gender as a Hate Crime: Rain and Thunder, Issue #41, Winter Solstice 2008.

What’s in a Name, Sinister Wisdom, #75, Winter 2008-2009.   

Dispatches from Abroad: A Russian Legal Experience, Arizona Attorney, Vol. 44 No. 10, June 2008, p. 32. 

Combating gender violence using international norms and best practices, Experience of American Lawyers in Self Defense as it Relates to GBV and Implications for Russian Jurisprudence, Guarantees of Human Rights in Russia:  Problems and Solutions, Material from the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Social rights aspects of the protection of human rights in the Russian Federation”, Pacific State Economics University, Vladivostok, Russia, 26 February 2008, pages 20 and 244.

Judicial Immunity versus Judicial Accountability: Do we know the difference? The Douglas County Bar Association, July 29, 2007, Vol 1, No. 8.

The Legalization of Prostitution by States Parties is a Violation of International Law, August 2007, Against, on line, accessed 3 September 2007. 

European Women’s Lobby, accessed August 2011.

A Comparison of the Use of Law in the Human Rights Struggles of African Americans and the European Roma, June 2007, Roma Kosovo Info, accessed 3 September 2007. 

Mothers File International Court Complaint Against the U.S., Domestic Violence Report, Civic Research Institute, Vol 12, No. 6, August/Sept 2007, p. 81-96.

Legalized Prostitution: a violation of women’s rights, Raffia, Vol. 3, October 2006, Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud Universiteit, Numegen, The Netherlands, p. 12.

Joining Forces with Russian, Cambodian and Roma Women: Women’s Lives, An American’s Eyes, Said It, Feminist News, Culture and Politics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2006.

Pornography and Civil RightsRain and Thunder, #31 Summer Solstice 2006.

Existing Legal Systems on Trafficking in children for Prostitution and their Implementation, KALINGGA magazine, Center for Study and Child Protection , Malaysia, March-April 2004.

Arizona Battered Mothers’ Testimony Project: A Human Rights Approach to Child Custody and Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Report, Vol 9, No 2, December/January 2004, page 21.

“Intersection of therapy and law in domestic violence: Experience of the U.S.” in Contemporary Aspects of Therapy and Prevention of Neuro-Mental Disorders, Proceedings of the international scientific , and practical conference, Vladivostok, Russia, 19-20 September 2002, Semke, V. Ya & Mosolov, S.N, (Ed), Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 2003, 142, (Russian only).   

Violence Against Women in Post-Soviet States: Foreign Assistance Makes a Difference
Kennan Institute Brief, August 2002, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, with Janet Elise Johnson.

Domestic Violence in Russia
Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, Hull, England, March 2000.

Legalizing Prostitution
Aviv, feminist on-line magazine, MAPPS French newsletter, also newsletters in Lima, Peru and the Sudan (Spring, l999), off our backs, Washington DC July 1999.

Women and Social Change
Rights of Women in Russia, Women’s Information Center, Moscow (No. 4-5, January, 1999).

Mediation Can Make Matters Worse (1995)
University of San Diego Anthology, Family Law, Horton (Fall 1995).

The Medical Cost of Domestic Violence
Arizona Medicine (April 1993).

Bridge the Gap Desk Manual
How to Handle the Battered Client (Reprint of Every Lawyer’s Responsibility to A Battered Client), Alaska Bar Association (1991).

Confidentiality for Battered Women’s Shelters
Practical Lawyer (1991).

Should the United States Ratify the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?
The International Journal of Humanities and Peace, Vol.7, No.1 (1990).